FOS Team Member Moderates Panel
May 9, 2018
FOS Team Member Catherine Tinkler Moderates
“Women in ASHRAE” Panel Discussion
The Houston Chapter of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE) hosted a Women in ASHRAE event titled, “Navigating the Corporate Landscape.” CannonDesign’s Catherine Tinkler, PMP, EBCP, LEED AP, a Project Manager in the Facility Optimization Solutions (FOS) group, moderated the panel discussion which focused on professional success and career growth. Topics explored consisted of the following:
Setting your own destiny through decision making
Preparation for future career aspirations
Balancing being a woman in the predominately male field of engineering
The panel was composed of several industry leaders including Kellie Jenks, Principal of Investments at TRC Capital Partners; Lisa Osborne, PE, LEED AP, President of Collaborative Engineering Group; Jody Henry, AIA, LEED AP, Senior Associate at Kirksey Architecture; and Kathy Berek, PE, Regional Practice Manager at KCI Technologies, Inc.
Left to Right: Kellie Jenks, Lisa Osborne, Jody Henry, Kathy Berek, & Catherine Tinkler
Audience participation during the Q&A session provided many opportunities for sharing experiences and encouraging mentorship activities. Catherine recently accepted appointment as the co-chair of two ASHRAE committees – Women in ASHRAE and Student Activities. She also participates in three Technical Committees – TC 7.1 Integrated Building Design, TC 7.3 Operation and Maintenance Management, and TC 9.7 Educational Facilities.