UNO Charter Schools
Strategically Reducing Deferred Maintenance
✔️ 13 Charter Schools Assessed ✔️ 750K Total SF
Addressing deferred maintenance backlogs is a challenge faced by most facility owners and managers. United Neighborhood Organization (UNO) engaged the FOS of CannonDesign team to assess the current condition of 13 Chicago area charter schools in order to optimize time and resources spent on facility maintenance while prioritizing necessary renewals. To accomplish this, we developed an inventory of building systems, equipment and infrastructure assets of each property, analyzed and summarized current asset condition, providing brief narratives of each facility, assessed each facility’s systems and components, documented detailed findings for each deficiency observed, and calculated cost estimates for all identified repairs and replacements.
Each deficiency was assigned an anticipated life cycle and recommended renewal prioritized to strategically and efficiently reduce the current backlog of deferred maintenance. Each building system was prioritized based on need, observed deficiencies, risk of failure, impact of failure, and remaining useful life, and classified based on a recommended time frame for action. Facility condition index (FCI) and current replacement value (CRV) for each system and facility were calculated upon completion of data analysis. One central data repository of critical building systems, all associated information, and the strategic capital plan provided a long term tool for UNO to modify and update after the completion of the project.